NO! It's a.........

MetLife blimp? Precisely! It flew over my parents' house before the Notre Dame game. I chased it around the yard trying to get a decent picture. That was only after I hurled rocks into the trees trying to hit some noisy crows (and looked like some deranged mental patient). The neighbors were probably thoroughly entertained by that, but who cares.
So on my neverending bus ride last week I made this (please excuse scary no-makeupness):

From Amber's nifty yarn. Purdeee.
This weekend will be spent catching up on homework, helping Dan fix his car so I can have mine back, and making more stuff to mail out to various people :) But most likely that will turn into playing with this:

And this:

Can you tell the difference now? They're starting to look a lot alike, but Ben's still bigger. They were my little buddies today while I was sick. Such mama's boys. Who needs socks when you have two snuggly cats to lay on your feet?
awesome! i've never knitted one of my plied yarns, and none of my customers have ever sent me pictures, so it's so cool to see what it's turned into!!
i want to start on yours but i just started student teaching so i have like, no time. i'll let you know when i do though :-)
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