Of Tweeters and Fuzz
Hi! Long time, no see. So here's what's been going on:
Gone are the days of getting up and rolling into the lab, bleary-eyed and grumpy. I'm no longer a lab wench. How about them apples, Number 468?!?! That darn bird pecked me every single day since classes started this semester. And only when I reached in to set down his food dish. He became my arch nemesis. Anyhow, a nice (and probably unsuspecting, if 468 has it his way) chick took over my job. I still have to go and turn in my key this week. There was no parking by the building on Friday, so I couldn't get over to the Med Sci office to return it. Why no more birdies? Well, two reasons. One: I have to drive an hour up to Indy for one of my classes every so often and there wouldn't be anyone to fill in for me at the lab. Two: I decided that coming home itching everyday was not worth it. Either I was allergic to the birds or they had mites. Or both. But it was a learning experience. I got some basic animal lab skills and the birds got somebody to feed them and make sure they got the best parts of the IU student newspaper under their little talons. Some of them were really cute. One of them actually had a great personality as far as an animal goes. I miss that one little cardinal.

I am quite possibly the lone person not finished with their sock buddy's gift for the Holiday Knit Sox Exchange. Not for lack of trying, though. I started a nice pair of Jaywalkers in ArtYarns Supersock Merino #111, then ran out of it after starting the second sock... the dreaded second sock syndrome, particularly the lack-of-yarn strain. After much haggling with the web shop that I re-ordered from, the yarn finally appeared this weekend. The goal is to finish up this week, at the lastest over the coming weekend, and then send to my sock buddy. She's also getting a little surprise, which I won't say anything about (just incase she's lurking close by). But I hope she likes her socks and doesn't hate me too much for taking so darn long.
I received an awesome pair of socks from Elizabeth from the sock exchange - pics will go up soon. I really appreciate them and apologize for dropping out of blog land for a while and not giving her the recognition she truly deserved.
Art Fair
Up in the air about this one. There's a women-only arts and crafts fair coming up in March before spring break. I have a ton of stuff I could put in a booth and hopefully sell. Handwoven shawls and scarves, quilts, pillows, other sewn things... even made some topiaries today. I'm kind of worried that my stuff will be totally sub-par compared to all of the other artisans who dot the Bloomington landscape. But one thing I have going for me is my unusual sense of color when making things. I'm not your traditional plaid, calico or monochrome gal when it comes to fabric. Basically my big obstacle is that I don't want to be one of "those people" that over values their art/crafts and acts like nobody can afford me. There's way too much of that in this town, seeing as we have a million art majors and random local artists. I would definitely like to have a little money to go on a mini vacation this summer or pay a car payment... and our first wedding anniversary is coming up on St. Patrick's Day. But I'm not going to price stuff so high that I only sell one little thing. Or worse, nothing. It's one of those problems that everybody selling their wares runs into. I just haven't figure out a system, I guess. Need to do that. Pee or get off the pot, huh?
Okay, so that's all that's fit to blog right now. Pics of finished socks and Liz's lovely socks soon!
Kiri! Finding your blog was like looking through a drawer and finding that awesome shirt you thought you lost years ago. I've been reading it at work, and wow, it's full of interesting surprises. It's good to hear that you're still in Bloomington. I'm not sure why that's good, I guess it's good because having you there adds to the overall feeling of having a home to come back to in Indiana as circumstances toss me around this country. It also appears that you are CRAZY CRAFTY! You are a FIBROUS FREAK! Looking at all the knitting and sewing on your site is kind of making me want to start subtly suggesting to my girlfriend that she learn to do it. Because as you and I both know - there is nothing as good as home-made. Whenever I wear the scarf that Lyuba knitted for me years ago, just knowing that something this soft, warm, and comfortable was made just for me makes me smile.
And the other thing that your handywork made me think of is how interesting it would be to photograph (which is what I've been obsessing with lately). The different textures and patterns can be used for so many artistic effects. Kind of like this, except we could do way better :)
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