
World's Cutest Lou-zer

This is a test. I repeat, this is a test. hehe Just checking to see if CJ catches herself making her blogosphere debut...

Here is CJ with her beloved red Honda sporting its brand new Louisiana license plate. CJ and I went to high school together and have been stuck with each other ever since. She recently moved down to Lou-z-ana to put her degree to good use as a lab mistress at LSU. Can't wait to see you and Jon around the holidays!


At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup that's me alright! Nobody panic, LSU is in Baton Rouge not New Orleans. Looking forward to seeing all my fellow Yankees when I'm back up north for New Year's!

At 5:27 PM, Blogger OkeyPlus said...

So here I was, randomly perusing this link and that, being generally bored. All of a sudden - BAM - who do I see but a couple of long lost ladies from back in the day! Except one thing bothered me - CJ? C - OK, but J? Does this mean!?


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