Back Tack 2 bag finished!
Here it is! This is an Amy Butler pattern - the Covington Bag. It took 1 yard of exterior fabric and about a quarter yard of interior fabric. It requires alot of random measurements, such as "fold top panel in half, fold bottom panel in half, match creases to center, sew" and similar things. But it's still a nice pattern. I only put in one of the drawstrings because two drawstrings didn't seem to fit in the casing or function correctly. I'm sure if I'd ripped out the stitching and re-sewn things I could have fit the second casing, but the drawstrings are practically guaranteed to get wound around each other inside the casing... or worse, get stuck and cause the other one to break. So Back Tack 2 buddy, you have one drawstring. I hope this is okay with you ;)
BackTack 2 bag for ???

I can't tell the general public who you are yet. Just incase you're one of those people who goes blog surfing from the swap website to try and find out what you're getting before you receive it. And if you are, don't feel bad. I do that sometimes, too. But your plan has been foiled this time! tee hee.

Here's the inside. Green paisley. All the fabrics are Amy Butler. The exterior fabric is heavier weight fabric from the Home Decor version of her line. The interior is normal medium-weight cotton. The handles, exterior top panel, and bottom have heavyweight sew-in interfacing in them. From Walmart since Joann Fabrics only had thin fusible junk.
Here's the side detail. I like the folded/pleat-y goodness.

So, BT2 buddy, hope you enjoy your bag! I wanted it to be professional-looking enough for your day job so you can sneak your knitting in. Let me know how that goes :)
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wow - the bag looks lovely! i am sure that your backtack buddy will be duly impressed (one drawstring or two).
This is really beautiful!
That bag is beautiful. I think I will have to pop out and buy myself that pattern...Thanks for enabling!
Super cute bag! It looks very professional and the color is great too!
Beautiful bag. I first saw it on Dixie's Dragon. I just made Amy's Ditty bag and gave myself carpal tunnel getting two drawstrings into that itty bitty space. It worked, but, you're right, things get twisted in there. I'm going to make the Covington bag now. You did a great job and now I'll know to be careful of the drawstrings!
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