Do you like pie?
Yep, that's right. Michele and I got bored and made pie a couple weeks ago. And for you non-believers, here it is:

But wait, there's more...

Two huge bobbins of yarn have reached the plying stage. I filled one bobbin completely and will hopefully finish the second one before dinner. There's a whole bunch of Halloween/ghosty shows saved on the computer, so maybe I can get through most of 'em.
Then there's the matter of the '61 Studebaker sitting in the garage. NAKED. As in no paint left. Here's what the hood looks like without 45 yr. old paint and primer on it:

Shiny! And totally NOT rusted. Bonus. Now we just need somebody brave enough to come weld a few pieces for us and it can get a coat of primer on it. Any takers?
Oh your pie looks so yummy! I bet it tasted as good as it looked. :D
Thanks for the comment btw. *waves*
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